B. Arranged by special types of user

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For passengers on ocean liners

Cooling-room on the SS AdriaticThis table lists some of the Turkish baths provided on ocean liners.

Known opening and closing dates are indicated in the table. All articles include a chronology, though these do not appear in the version of the site without frames.

Dates in blue  are accurate openings or closures to the best of our knowledge;
Dates in maroon  are first and last sightings;
Plus or minus signs  indicate 'and later' or 'and earlier'.

When one or both of the icons on the left of the table appear in red, this indicates that there is an article, notes, chronology, or stand-alone captioned image relating to the establishment. Clicking on the left hand icon []] takes you to that establishment's page on the site; clicking on the right hand icon  [] takes you to any available no-frames version. A right hand icon  [] on its own takes you to a relevant captioned image page.

If you have access to local newspapers and can add, amend, or correct any dates, please do contact us.

Table last revised: 31 March 2024
[]] [] Adriatic
   Image above
[]] [] Berengaria 1913—1938
[]] [] Empress of Britain
   Torpedoed during war service
[]] [] Olympic 1910—1935
[]] [] Queen Elizabeth 1940—1972
[]] [] Queen Mary 1936—1970
[]] [] Titanic 1912