Victoria Baths and Family Hotel, Glenbrook, Co Cork:
R W Jones's patent application for
Improvements in heating and ventilation

Patent application by Robert Watkin Jones
< Drawing accompanying Patent No.2120

Jones arranged a complicated series of dampers, taps, and flues running between an upper and lower floor to deliver adjustable quantities of hot air at appropriate temperatures through one flue, and steam-heated vapour through the second. This system was the main feature of the patent which Jones applied for on 26 August 1861 for 'Improvements in heating and ventilation, especially applicable to Turkish Baths'.

In some ways his introduction of a steam flue was a precursor of the ubiquitous prefabricated steam room found in modern health clubs, but it was definitely not a Victorian Turkish bath and seems to have had a fairly short life.

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Glenbrook: Dr Curtin's Hydropathic Establishment
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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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