Victorian Turkish baths directory

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline
Visit the original page to see it complete—with its chronologies and notes

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Table last revised: 04 June 2024
[]] [] Alfred Place (Alexander Square), South Kensington 1861—1887
[]] [] All Saints Road (11), Notting Hill 1895—1897
[]] [] Argyll Place (10a) (Argyle Street), Regent Street 1861—1902
[]] [] Ashwin Street, Dalston 1880—1890
[]] [] Baker Street (20) 1861—1864
[]] [] Basinghall Street 1883—1938
[]] [] Bell Street (5), Edgware Road
   The first Turkish bath open to the public in London
    Bishopsgate Church Passage / Bishopsgate Churchyard
   See: New Broad Street
[]] [] Blackfriars Road (191) 1868—1886
[]] [] Blackheath Road (44), Greenwich 1880
[]] [] Bridge Road (1), Adelaide Road 1877—1881
[]] [] Brixton Road (461) / Electric Lane    1892—1921+
    Broad Street House
   See: New Broad Street
[]] [] Buckingham Palace Road (119) 1873—1892
[]] [] Caledonian Road (9) 1870—1921
[]] [] Camberwell Green (6) 1863—1864
[]] [] Camberwell Green (40) 1884—1911
[]] [] Cambridge Terrace (2) (off Edgware Road) 1861,  1863
[]] [] Cannon Street Road (79), St George's in the East 1865—1869
[]] [] Canterbury Row / Kennington Lane 1860—1873
[]] [] Chancery Lane (120) 1861—1863
[]] [] Chapel Place (3), Cavendish Square 1860s—1870 
[]] [] Cheapside (136) 1890—1896
    Church Passage
   See: New Broad Street
[]] [] Church Street (16-29) (now Gaskin Street), Islington 1873—1917
[]] [] Churton Street (26), Pimlico 1893—1905
[]] [] City Road ( 79) 1865—1866
[]] [] City Road (275)
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] City Road (285) 1861—1862
[]] [] Coldbath Street (25) 1881
[]] [] Commercial Road East ( 7), Whitechapel
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Commercial Road East (727), Whitechapel    1878—1885+
[]] [] Conduit Place 1861
[]] [] Denman Street —1921
[]] [] Duke of York Street (York Street) (12) 1908—1958
[]] [] Earls Court Gardens 1881—1941
[]] [] East India Dock Road, Poplar 1934—1988
[]] [] Euston Road (182 & 184) 1861—1908
[]] [] Exmouth Street (2) / Commercial Road 1861—1869
[]] [] Fenchurch Street Railway Station
   Turkish bath not yet confirmed
[]] [] Fleet Street (68) 1884—1889
[]] [] Fore Street (50) 1890
[]] [] Golden Square (32) / Upper John Street (1) 1860—1865
[]] [] Golden Lane (100-106) (City of London Baths) 1866, 1867
[]] [] Goswell Road (17) 1860—1861
[]] [] Goswell Road (282) 1861—1938
[]] [] Grange Road, Bermondsey 1927—1973
[]] [] Great Marlborough Street (Green's Turkish baths) -1878—1883+
[]] [] Great Marlborough Street (3) (Dr Culverwell's Turkish baths) 1867
[]] [] Great Russell Street 1861
[]] [] Greville Street (21) 1861,  1862
[]] [] Harrow Road 1879—1963
[]] [] Hart Street (42), Bloomsbury 1878
[]] [] High Holborn ( 80)
[]] [] Ironmonger Row (1-11), Islington   1938—OPEN
[]] [] Jermyn Street (76)
   Image above, early 1930s
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Jermyn Street (92) 1908—1975
[]] [] Kensington High Street( 48½) 1882—1889
[]] [] Kensington High Street(120) 1911—1920
[]] [] Kentish Town Road / Camden High Street 1878—1916
[]] [] Kings Road (111) 1862—1866
[]] []
Leicester Square (23) 1868—1930
[]] [] Lewisham High Street (261) 1965—2002
[]] [] Leyton Road
   See: Lovett Road
[]] [] Lombard Court (6)    1926—1927+
[]] [] London Bridge 1870—1961
[]] [] Longton Grove, West Hill, Sydenham 1879
[]] [] Lovett Road, Newtown, Stratford East 1860—1893
[]] [] Ludgate Hill 1882—1893
[]] [] Manor Road (later Street), Chelsea 1904—1977
[]] [] Marylebone Road (55) 1865—1871
[]] [] Mile End Road 1932—1981
[]] [] New Broad Street / Bishopsgate Churchyard / Church Passage 1860—1954
[]] [] Newgate Street (50) / Panyer Alley (4-5) 1878—1907
[]] [] Newington Butts (98) 1870—1895
[]] [] Newington Causeway (102 & 104)
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Newton Road (16), Belmont Cottage 1860—1864
[]] [] Northumberland Ave (25) 1884—1948
[]] [] Northumberland Passage (now Craven Passage) 1884—1947
[]] [] Ockenden Road (7) 1861—1863
[]] [] Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green   1926—OPEN
[]] [] Old Kent Road / Marlborough Road, Camberwell
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Osnaburgh Street (8), Regent's Park, Turkish Bath for Ladies 1883,  1884
[]] [] Palace Street (18), Pimlico 1860—1863
  Panyer Alley (4-5)
   See: Newgate Street (50)
[]] [] Park Lane, Dorchester Hotel 1930—1984
[]] [] Park Lane, Grosvenor House 1929—
[]] [] Pentonville Road (83) 1875—1905
[]] [] Petty France: Queen Anne's Mansions 1894,  1895
[]] [] Plumstead High Street, Woolwich 1927—1970+
[]] [] Portland Terrace, Workmen's Hall, Notting Hill 1861—1863
[]] [] Putney Bridge Road 1886—1914
[]] [] Queen Square (20), Imperial Hotel Women's Turkish baths 1914—1962
[]] [] Queen Square (26) 1861—1865
[]] [] Queen's Terrace (10), St John's Wood 1862
[]] [] Queensway, W2    1929—OPEN
[]] [] Railway Approach, London Bridge 1871—1921
[]] [] Romford Road (189) 1934
[]] [] Russell Square (66), Imperial Hotel 1913—1966
[]] [] Savoy Hill, Lancaster House, The Strand 1885—1921
[]] [] Sloane Street (155) 1864—1894
[]] [] Somerset Street (42) 1860—1873
[]] [] South Street (5), Finsbury Square 1861—1864
[]] [] St John's Square (19) 1861,  1862
[]] [] St Martins-le-Grand 1861—1866
[]] [] Strand (105) 1896—1899
[]] [] Strand (335c) 1861—1877
[]] [] Stroud Green Road 1882
[]] [] Sussex Street (16) 1861
[]] [] The Grove (105), Stratford East 1890—1894
[]] [] Trafalgar Road, Greenwich 1959—1988
[]] [] Victoria Street (2) 1862—1865
[]] [] Victoria Street, Windsor Hotel (late Army and Blue Hotel)   1885—1890+
[]] [] Wellington Place (3), St John's Wood 1863
[]] [] Wellington Street (71), Woolwich 1876—1897
[]] [] Westmoreland Street, Marylebone 1860,  1862
[]] [] Whitechapel High Street, Gardiner's Corner
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Wimbledon Theatre, The Broadway 1910—1938
[]] [] York Terrace (54), Regent's Park 1865—1916

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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